Get Started
team up with Ping! Zine
At Ping! Zine, we encourage collaboration with IT subject matter experts.
Getting published on Ping! Zine gets you in front of other like-minded IT and technology enthusiasts. Be part of a growing community of thought leaders paving the way.
If you’re an executive or representing one and want us to publish your interview or article, there are two ways to approach it.
two ways you can team up with Ping! Zine:
First Way
You provide the content.
Your team will write the content you want to publish on Ping! Zine.
- No cost to publish.
- Featured Article: 1,250 words minimum. Include author bio and profile picture and any other supporting images you want us to publish with the article.
- Executive Corner Article: 2,500 words. See example 1 and example 2.
- Prior to submitting your content, contact us with the topic, organization and author for approval.
- All content you submit will be thoroughly edited and may require minor revisions.

Second Way
We help you build the content.
Our team will write the content you want to publish on Ping! Zine.
- You pay a fee for our experience and time spent writing your content.
- Options include Featured Article, Executive Corner Article.
- Prior to submitting your request, contact us with the topic, organization and type for approval.
- Pricing depends on type of content you request.